Sunday 22 January 2012

dia dhuit!!!

Well, I'm studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland until mid
I decided to start a blog mainly so I can look back and reminisce about the best days of my life, but also so ya'll can keep up with my travels and humbly be envious of my adventures!(; I may also be sharing personal stories, thoughts, struggles, and joys, so this may double as a somewhat journal/diary.

It's safe to say I'm obsessed with Ireland, and it's exactly what I imagined.  Dublin is very city-like, and cathedrals dot the streets like grocery stores.  I'm in awe by all the majestic churches hovering over the city streets, and I am yet to attend a service at one of them! (On my list of things to do before I leave, along with hundreds of other touristy adventures..)

I'm having the time of my life here, and am so blessed to have been given this opportunity.  Pubs are the main attraction here in Dublin, and everywhere in Ireland, and drinking is simply a part of the culture.  This has taken some getting used to, considering I don't drink in the  US, but it is legal here! It's a sticky balance to maintain, and alcohol is expensive so it's tough to be immersed in the culture and remember your budget.  Going out for drinks is a daily experience here; I'm trying to slim it down to one or two nights a week though!

The people are absurdly helpful and friendly here, as well. In the many a times I've been lost, strangers have been overwhelmingly helpful in helping me find my way again.  The accents are amazing, and there's different dialects depending on the county the person is from, but generally people are easy to understand.  I'm learning to speak Irish (technically Gaelic but nobody here ever calls it that), and it is the hardest language I could imagine learning.  Dia dhuit is pronounced gia gwich, and means hello! How a "dh" makes a "gw" sound I do not understand...yet! I love surprising Irish people I meet at pubs and introducing myself in Irish.  It's a dying language so not everyone speaks it, but they're always impressed!

I just arrived back in Dublin from a weekend trip to Galway, which was about a 2 1/2 hour train ride to the west coast.  We toured the famous Cliffs of Moher, and I was stunned by the Lord's craftsmanship!  It somewhat reminded me of the Grand Canyon, but a lot greener!  Galway was a quaint town compared to Dublin, and I loved being by the ocean...reminding me of home sweet home in California! I stayed in my first hostel and was extremely impressed by the place!  Luckily I had a private room with five other friends so I felt comfortable, and there was a nice kitchen and hangout areas to relax in.  My first experience was definitely a success, but now my expectations are set high....

I have much more to say, especially about my classes (yeah...can you believe I have to go to school in the midst of all this?!) but I will catch you up tomorrow.  It's been a long weekend and it is now nap time/homework time eventually...


  1. Hello from the great state of TEXAS! Kaylee and I are currently reading your post as a bedtime story:) We miss you and we will be praying for you to have great adventures and safe travels. All our love, Hannah and Kaylee.

  2. AAAHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH !!! thank you thank you i cant wait to see yall again!!(((:
